Shell hélix ultra 5w30

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Shell 5W-30 Helix Ultra 5 l - Árukereső.hu. Shell 5W-30 Helix Ultra 5 l vásárlás 16 290 Ft-tól! Olcsó 5 W 30 Helix Ultra 5 l Motorolajok árak, akciók. Shell 5W-30 Helix Ultra 5 l vélemények. A Shell egyedi receptúrája alapján készült, teljesen szintetikus motorolaj. Maximálisan tisztítja a motort és lehetőséget ad az olajcsere-periódusok meghosszabbítására

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. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 4 l - Árukereső.hu. SHELL HELIX ULTRA ECT C3 5W-30 KIA, Hyundai, BMW gyári olaj!!! Teljesen szintetikus motorolaj - a Shell legmodernebb védelme a gépjárművek emissziós (károsanyag-kibocsátási) rendszerei számára, benzin és részecskeszűrővel felszerelt dízelmotorokhoz valamint gázüzemű motorokhoz. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AF 5W-30 1 l - Árukereső.hu. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AF 5W-30 1 l. (12 vélemény) 3 305 Ft Raktáron. Megvásárolom Vásárlás az Árukeresőn? Házhozszállítás: 1 990 Ft. 3 229 Ft-tól 6 ajánlat. Árfigyelő Összehasonlítás. Boltok és árak. Termékleírás. Vélemények (12) Kérdezz felelek. Javasolt útvonal: Szűrés: Megbízható Bolt (5) Személyes átvétel (4). Shell helix ultra 5w 30 5l »-› ÁrGép. shell helix ultra ect c3 5w30 5l 2 karton Teljesen szintetikus motorolaj - a Shell legmodernebb védelme a gépjárművek emissziós(károsanyag-kibocsátási) rendszerei számára. Azzal védi az emissziós rendszert, hogy tisztán tartja a dízel-részecskeszűrőket.. SHELL Helix Ultra 5W30 1 lit. - kenőanyag, motorolaj, autóápolás. Teljesen szintetikus motorolaj - A Shell legkorszerűbb olaja nagyteljesítményű motorok részére A Shell Helix Ultra egyedülálló aktív tisztító technológiát alkalmaz azért, hogy támogassa a nagyteljesítményű motorok maximális hatékonysággal való üzemét, úgy hogy megvédi őket a teljesítményt korlátozó kopástól és lerakódásoktól.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 Fully synthetic motor oil - Shells most advanced formulation for high-performance engines. Todays vehicles need a motor oil that keeps pace with their changing demands and does more to improve performance and engine life.. SHELL HELIX ULTRA 5W30 4L - FilterABC - Motorolajok, hajtómű. SHELL HELIX ULTRA 5W30 4L. Cikkszám: 12550046268. Specifikációk és gyártói jóváhagyások: API SN, SL, ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, BMW LL-01, MB 229.5, 226.5, VW 502.00/505.00, Renault RN0700, RN0710.. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 (3x5 L) DEXOS2 - ola - OlajShop. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 (3x5 L) DEXOS2. A Shell Helix teljesen szintetikus olajokat 100% szintetikus alapanyagból és kiváló minőségű adalékanyagokból állítják elő, hogy magasabb szintet érjenek el, mint a szintetikus technológiák és az ásványi olajok. Bővebben. TERMÉKKÉP : csak illusztráció. Szállítási infó :. Motorolaj 5W-30 5L SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AM-L 5W30 5L. 5W-30. >> 5 liter. Terméknév: Motorolaj 5W-30 5L SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AM-L 5W30 5L. Cikkszám: SHELLHELIXULTRAAML5W305L

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. Gyártó: SHELL AG. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AM-L 5W-30. Teljesen szintetikus motorolaj. A motorgyártók speciális követelményeihez szabva.. Shell hélix ultra 5w30 »-› ÁrGép. A Shell Hélix Diesel Ultra AR-L 5w30 egyedülálló, teljesen szintetikus kenőanyag, amely a nagyteljesítményű autózáshoz a legmodernebb védelmet biztosítja a motornak és a kipufogógáz-kezelő rendszereknek.. Shell Helix ultra 5w30 4liter - Kenőanyag és autókemikáliák széles .. Nagyszerű áron 13.437 Ft -ért vásárolhatod meg Shell Helix ultra 5w30 4liter termékünket!. Shell Helix Ultra ECT Ah 5W-30 1 l - Árukereső.hu. Shell Helix Ultra ECT Ah 5W-30 1 l. (15 vélemény) 3 305 Ft-tól 8 ajánlat. Árfigyelő Összehasonlítás. Kiemelt ajánlataink. 3 990 Ft. 3 305 Ft. 3 591 Ft. Összes ajánlat. Boltok és árak. Termékleírás. Vélemények (15) Kérdezz felelek. Útvonaltervezés. Javasolt útvonal: Szűrés: Megbízható Bolt (5) Személyes átvétel (6) Rendezés.. SHELL Helix Ultra Professional AR-L 5W30 1L - A Shell Hélix Diesel Ultra AR-L 5w30 egyedülálló, teljesen szintetikus kenőanyag, amely a nagyteljesítményű autózáshoz a legmodernebb védelmet biztosítja a motornak és a kipufogógáz-kezelő rendszereknek. A terméket a Renault jóváhagyta a megnövelt olajcsere-periódusokhoz és a kipufogógáz-kezelő berendezések védelmére.. SHELL HELIX ULTRA ECT AH 5W30 1L - FilterABC - Motorolajok,. SHELL HELIX ULTRA ECT AH 5W30 1L - FilterABC - Motorolajok, SZEMÉLYAUTÓ TERMÉKEK MOTOROLAJOK. SHELL HELIX ULTRA ECT AH 5W30 1L. Cikkszám: 12550047964. Specifikációk: API: SN, ACEA: C3. Teljesen szintetikus motorolaj, a motorgyártók speciális követelményeihez tervezve.

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. Shell Helix Ultra ECT Ah 5W-30 1L - Árukereső.hu. Shell Helix Ultra ECT AH 5W-30 1 L. 2 700 Ft. + 1 490 Ft szállítási díj. Raktáron. irány a bolt » (84 vélemény) Bolt infó. Shell Helix Ultra Ect Ah 5w-30 1l. 2 890 Ft. Részletek a boltban. irány a bolt » További ajánlataink Shell Helix Ultra ECT Ah 5W-30 1L termékre. Írjon véleményt! Bolt infó.. SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AG 5W30 5L - FilterABC. SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AG 5W30 5L - FilterABC - Moto. SZEMÉLYAUTÓ TERMÉKEK MOTOROLAJOK SHELL. SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AG 5W30 5L. Cikkszám: 12550046301. Specifikációk és gyártói jóváhagyások rendőrségi hírek

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. API SN, ACEA C3, GM dexos2™ licence GB2B0611014.. Shell Hélix Dies. Ultra AR-L 5w30 1lit.. Shell Helix Diesel Ultra R 5W-30 is a premium-grade, fully synthetic engine oil scientifically formulated to give you maximum engine clean up properties using special cleansing agents that actively and continuously lock away harmful dirt and deposits.. PDF Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30. Fully synthetic motor oil - Shells most advanced formulation for high performance engines. Shell Helix Ultra uses unique active cleansing technology to help high-performance engines operate at maximum efficiency by helping to protect them from power-robbing deposits and wear. It helps to reduce engine friction to .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 5 l - Árukereső.hu. Shell Helix Ultra Professional Ag 5w30 5l. Eredeti olajok a díjnyertes, megbízható áruháztól. 15 490 Ft. + 1 450 Ft szállítási díj. Részletek a boltban. irány a bolt » Vásárlási Garancia. Vásároljon közvetlenül az Árukereső.hu oldalán problémamentesen!. Shell helix ultra professional 5w30 ag »-› ÁrGép. A Shell Hélix Diesel Ultra AR-L 5w30 egyedülálló, teljesen szintetikus kenőanyag, amely a nagyteljesítményű autózáshoz a legmodernebb védelmet biztosítja a motornak és a kipufogógáz-kezelő rendszereknek. A terméket a Renault jóváhagyta a megnövelt olajcsere-periódusokhoz és a kipufogógáz-kezelő berendezések védelmére.. SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AM-L 5W30 1L - FilterABC. SHELL HELIX ULTRA PROFESSIONAL AM-L 5W30 1L. Cikkszám: 12550046302. Specifikációk és gyártói jóváhagyások: API: SN/CF, ACEA: C3. BMW-LL-04; MB 229.51. A SHELL kimondottan BMW és Mercedes motorokra fejlesztett Professional motorolaja. Ez a termék kerül töltésre a gyári BMW TWINPOWER TURBO 5W30 motorolaj flakonjába.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell France. Caractéristiques de Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 : Protection contre les boues inégalée - aucune autre huile moteur ne peut maintenir votre moteur si près de la propreté dusine 1. Faible viscosité et faible frottement pour une économie de carburant jusquà 1,4 % supérieure 2. Protection contre lusure et la corrosion 3.. 쉘 힐릭스 울트라 (Shell Helix Ultra) 엔진오일 제품종류와 차이 비교 : 네이버 블로그. Shell (쉘) 사의 엔진오일 중에 합성유 최고급은 Helix Ultra (힐릭스 울트라) 제품입니다. 위 사진을 보면 적혀있듯이 SHELL 쉘사의 공식 홈페이지에서는 Helix Ultra 제품 및 HX8 은 Fully Synthetic(100%합성유) 라고 표시하고, 한 단계 아래인 HX7 제품은 Semi Synthetic (반합성유) 라고 표시하고 있습니다.. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG Engine Oil - 5W-30 - Euro Car Parts. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 for gasoline and diesel engines is approved against the technically challenging General Motors engine oil specification GMW16177 (dexos2TM). It is formulated specifically for the dexos2TM specification, which combines parts of API SN, ACEA C3 and in-house General Motors gasoline and diesel engine tests .. PDF Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30. Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30 is a premium-grade, fully synthetic engine oil scientifically formulated with ultimate active cleansing technology. It works harder than conventional motor oils to continuously prevent dirt and sludge build-up while protecting sensitive exhaust gas treatment systems. For maxium responsiveness and improved. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 | Shell UK. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30. Shell has an established relationship with Euro Car Parts for Shell engine oils. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 features its most advanced emissions-compatible technology that helps to keep diesel particulate filters clean to help maintain engine performance. It helps to reduce engine friction to provide enhanced fuel .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AH-L 5W-30 | Shell Global. Fully synthetic motor oil - Tailored to meet engine manufacturers special requirements. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AH-L 5W-30: Is designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including Hyundai, and those requiring ACEA C2. Hyundai recommends Shell products for the service fill of its vehicles.

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. PDF Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30 - .NET Framework. Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30 Version 3.4 Revision Date: 12.04.2023 SDS Number: 800001002606 Date of last issue: 13.03.2023 Print Date 13.04.2023 3 / 19 The highly refined mineral oil contains <3% (w/w) DMSO-extract, according to IP346. The highly refined mineral oil is only present as additive dilu-ent.. Shell Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30 | Shell Global. Fully synthetic motor oil - Tailored to meet engine manufacturers special requirements. Shell Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30 provides: Protects emission systems by helping to keep diesel particulate filters clean. Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Up to 1.7% greater fuel economy 2.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 4L (Free Delivery) - Ranks Petroleum Limited .. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Low viscosity and low friction characteristics for up to 1.4% greater fuel economy 2.. Shell Helix Fully Synthetic Motor Oils | Shell Pakistan. Shell Helix Ultras fully synthetic formulation offers Shells maximum protection in very hot and extremely cold climates, and severe driving conditions. Shell Helix Fully Synthetic products. Shell Helix HX7 Plus. Shell Helix HX7 Plus 5W-30. Shell Helix Ultra. Shells most advanced formulation for high-performance engines. Shell Helix .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AM-L 5W-30. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AM-L 5W-30: Is designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including BMW and Mercedes-Benz, and those requiring API SN/CF or ACEA C3.. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AF-L 5W-30 | Shell Philippines. Fully synthetic motor oil - Tailored to meet engine manufacturers special requirements. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AF-L 5W-30: Is designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including Ford, Jaguar and Mazda, and those requiring ACEA C1. Shell and Ford have local relationships in many countries .. Shell Helix Ultra Vs Castrol Edge (Updated) - Compare Motor OIls. Cost Comparison. The cost of 4 liters of Castrol Edge 5W - 40 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil is 39.68$. And the cost of 4 liters of Shell Helix Ultra 5W - 40 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil is 28.97$. Castrol is more expensive than Shell due to its premium sludge and wear protection.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell Egypt Egypt. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Low viscosity and low friction characteristics for up to 1.4% greater fuel economy 2. Superior wear and corrosion protection 3. For gasoline, diesel and gas engines; also suitable for biodiesel and gasoline .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AB 5W-30 | Shell Global. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AB 5W-30: Is designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including Mercedes-Benz, and those requiring API SL or ACEA A3/B3/B4.. Shell Helix Ultra X 5W-30 Engine Oil 5L - 310278384. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 Engine Oil - 100% synthetic base oils stocks. Todays vehicles require an engine oil that keeps up with the ever-changing demands of modern engine technology and continues to perform and protect. With their patented Shell PurePlus technology, Shell have developed a unique and revolutionary way to produce synthetic base oils by using natural gas to make it stronger and .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 | Shell Global. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 provides: Designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including General Motors and those requiring API SN or ACEA C3.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell Việt Nam. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 cung cấp: Bảo vệ chống cặn bùn ưu việt - giúp động cơ của bạn lúc nào cũng sạch như khi mới xuất xưởng, một điều mà chưa từng có loại dầu nhớt nào làm được

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. (1) Độ nhớt thấp và độ ma sát thấp giúp tiết kiệm nhiên liệu nhiều hơn đến 1,4% .. Shell Helix Ultra Professional 5W-30 AM-L 5 Litre Motor Yağı Fiyatı. 1.057,14 TL 1.057,14 TL. 9,6 TuttoMotors. 0 saat 0. Sepete Ekle. Shell Helix Ultra Professional 5W-30 AM-L 5 Litre Motor Yağı en iyi fiyatla Hepsiburadadan satın alın! Şimdi indirimli fiyatla sipariş verin, ayağınıza gelsin!. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 | Shell Australia. Active Cleansing Technology has always been at the heart of Shell Helix. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1.. Find the right oil | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultra Product Range Page. Now carbon neutral through energy efficient manufacturing, sustainable packaging and nature-based carbon credits. Shell Advance motorcycle engine oils. Protect your engine and enjoy every ride with Shell Advance motor oils with PurePlus Technology. Shell Rimula Truck & Heavy-duty Engine Oils.. Variklio alyva | SHELL Helix Ultra 5W30 5L | SHELL Helix Ultra 5W30. Visiškai sintetinė variklinė alyva - pačios moderniausios „Shell" sudėties alyva galingiems varikliams. Shell Helix Ultra alyvoje pritaikyta unikali aktyvaus valymo technologija, padedanti palaikyti maksimalų galingų variklių veikimo efektyvumą, apsaugodama juos nuo galingumą mažinančių nuosėdų ir dilimo.. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 4 l od 25,3 € - Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 4 l +9. Ďalšie fotky (9) TOP 37. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 4 l. TOP 37 v kategórii Motorové oleje. Produkty vyberáme automaticky podľa recenzií používateľov, záujmu o produkt a predaja. Zobraziť celý rebríček. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 4 l. 96 %. Jual Shell Helix 5W30 Terlengkap - Harga Murah Januari 2024 . - Tokopedia. Shell Helix Ultra 5w-30 5w30 Full Synthetic Oli Mesin Mobil 4 Ltr Ori. Rp429.000. Cashback 4,2rb. Jakarta Barat Sinar Maju Pitstop. 5.0 2 terjual. Oli Shell Helix Eco 5W30 Galon 3,5Liter Barcode Asli. Rp200.999. Cashback 2rb. Surabaya pastijayaban surabaya. 5.0 30+ terjual. Shell Helix HX8 SAE 5W30 Galon.. Shell Helix Ultra 5w-30. FREE Delivery. Shell Engine Lubricating Oil Shell Helix Ultra Professional AR-L 5W-30 5 Litres. 16. £4563. RRP: £49.00. Get it Thursday, 11 Jan. FREE Delivery by Amazon.. Shell Helix HX8 5W-30 API SN Plus Fully Synthetic Engine Oil for Petrol .. Helix HX8 5W30 . Shell Helix HX8 is a Fully Synthetic motor oil featuring the dynamic "Flexi-Molecule Technology" that constantly adapts to boost protection, when engine needs it most; Best suited for vehicles with modern engine technology for maximum fuel efficiency and engine performance in different demanding driving conditions. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 4 l moottoriöljy | Motonet Oy. Shell Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30 C3 -moottoriöljy on huippuluokan täyssynteettinen matala-SAPS 5W-30-moottoriöljy pitkille vaihtoväleille. Moottoriöljy sopii bensiini- ja dieselmoottoreille. PurePlus teknologia pitää moottorin puhtaana. Öljyon formuloitu käyttäen ainutlaatuista puhdistavaa teknologiaa auttaakseen suorituskykyisiä moottoreita toimimaan tehokkaimmillaan ja suojaamaan .. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell China. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Low viscosity and low friction characteristics for up to 1.4% greater fuel economy 2. Superior wear and corrosion protection 3. For gasoline, diesel and gas engines; also suitable for biodiesel and gasoline .. Shell Helix Ultra AH 5W-30 (SL,A5/B5) (1 Litre x 12 carton). Shell Helix Ultra AH 5W-30 . Is designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including Hyundai, and those requiring ACEA C2* Hyundai recommends Shell products for the service fill of its vehicles* We have a global cooperation with Hyundai in over 67 countries worldwide *. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Exceptional protection and cleansing, even at the longest manufacturer-recommended oil-drain intervals. Approved for use by numerous makers of high-performance vehicles and is the only motor oil used by Ferrari.. Motorové oleje 5W-30 SHELL | Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 5l Motorový olej - 5W-30, syntetický, API API SN, ACEA ACEA C3, GM Dexos 2, CZ distribúcia, objem 5l - 6,18 €/1 l 30,90 €. Fully Synthetic Engine Oils For Cars - Shell Helix | Shell Malaysia. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C2/C3 0W-30. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 SN. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40. Shell Helix HX8. Shell Helix HX8 0W-20. Shell Helix HX8 X 5W30

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. Shell Helix HX8 5W-40. Shell Helix ECO. Shell Helix ECO 0W-20. Explore other Shell Helix oil types. Shell Helix Semi Synthetic Motor Oils.. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AV-L 5W-30 | Shell Global. Designed to meet the demanding requirements of Audi and Volkswagen high-performance engines. Uses gas to liquids technology, which is the basis of all the technology development carried out between Shell and Volkswagen. Passes an extensive range of performance tests to meet engine oil specifications VW 504.00/507.00.. SHELL Indonesia - Produk Resmi & Terlengkap | Tokopedia

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. Oli Mesin Mobil Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 SP (4L) Rp669.878. Cashback 33,4rb. 5.0 8 terjual. Jasa Pasang . Oli Mesin Mobil Shell Rimula R4 Plus (5L) Rp321.620. Diskon 16rb. Berbagai macma produk yang ditawarkan oleh Shell seperti Shell Helix Ultra 0W-20 yang merupakan pelumas mesin mobil full sintetis dengan formulasi tercanggih Shell untuk .. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 | Shell Global. Active Cleansing Technology has always been at the heart of Shell Helix. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1.. PDF Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 Fully synthetic motor oil - Shells most advanced formulation for high performance engines . Page 1 of 2 Helix Ultra 5W-30 (SL A3/B4), v 6.5 25.10.2018.08.18. Typical Physical Characteristics These characteristics are typical of current production. Whilst future production will conform to Shells specification,. Shell Helix Ultra vs Mobil 1 | Bob Is The Oil Guy. None. Nov 24, 2011. #4. For Mobil 1 0W-40 and Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 both meets BMW LL-01 specs which is the minimum requirement im looking for. (Yeah i got an 525i N52) I would need at least 7 quarts + filter + labor its pretty expensive @_@. Originally Posted By: renegade_987.. Shell Helix Fully Synthetic Motor Oils | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultras fully synthetic formulation offers Shells maximum protection in very hot and extremely cold climates, and severe driving conditions. Shell helix fully synthetic products. Shell Helix HX8. Relentless performance, cleansing and protection. Shell Helix HX8 Synthetic 5W-30. Shell Helix HX8 Synthetic 5W-40. Explore other .

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. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed sludge protection - no other motor oil can keep your engine closer to factory clean 1. Low viscosity and low friction characteristics for up to 1.4% greater fuel economy 2. Superior wear and corrosion protection 3. For gasoline, diesel and gas engines; also suitable for biodiesel and gasoline .. Shell Helix HX8: 5W-30 Fully Synthetic Car Engine Oil | Shell India. Shell Helix HX8 5W-30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil is Shells formulation for relentless performance, cleansing and protection of your car engine. Checkout its price, specification, benefits & features. Shell Helix Ultra AH; Refresh, Refuel, Resume! Shell Select Promotions; Recharge & go all the way to the Formula E 2023 Hyd E-Prix; Shell .. Shell Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30 vs Mobil 1 5W-30. Which is the Best .. Mobil 1™ 5W-30 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil designed to keep your engine running like new by providing exceptional wear protection, cleaning power and overall performance. Mobil 1 5W-30 meets or exceeds the requirements of the industrys toughest standards and outperforms our conventional oils. Mobil 1 technology comes as standard .. Shell Helix Ultra SN 5W-30 | Shell Indonesia. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra SN 5W-30 provides: Unsurpassed wear and sludge protection 1. Leaves pistons 65% cleaner than the industry standard 2. Enhanced fuel economy, with a corresponding reduction in emissions 3.. Shell Helix Car Engine Oils | Shell South Africa. Shell Helix Ultra Carbon Neutral continues to deliver the ultimate engine performance and choosing it is simple. The products are available in the following viscosity grades: Helix Ultra Racing 10W-60 ; Helix Ultra 5W-30 ; Helix Ultra 5W-40 and Helix Ultra 0W40. Understanding the benefits for the everyday motorists (PDF). Shell 5 lt Motor Yağı ve Ürünleri - Shell Helix Ultra 5W-30 Ect Multi 5 Litre Partiküllü Motor Yağı ( Üretim Yılı: 2022 ) 54. 1.058,26 TL. Shell Helix Ultra Professional 5W-30 AF 5 Litre Motor Yağı ( Üretim Yılı: 2023 ) 115. 1.114,53 TL. Shell Helix Ultra Pro Ag 5W-30 5 Lt Motor Yağı Dexos 2-Acea C3 Dpf Partiküllü ( Üretim Yılı: 2022 ) 11.. Shell Helix reviews | Shell Helix ultra PurePlus 5w30 I am amazed how much of a difference helix ultra has made, I have never really felt much of a difference with other oils. Immediately the V8 engine I tested this oil in was significantly quieter and significantly smoother from idle all the way to the rev limiter. I will be a loyal helix ultra customer from now on .. Λάδια Αυτοκινήτου Shell 5W-30 | Βρες Λάδια Αυτοκινήτου Shell 5W-30 στην καλύτερη τιμή! Διάβασε κριτικές & διάλεξε ανάμεσα σε 20+ προϊόντα. Αγόρασε εύκολα μέσω Skroutz! . Shell Συνθετικό Λάδι Αυτοκινήτου Helix Ultra 5W-30 4lt. 25. 4.9. 25.. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 | Shell Australia. Starting with the unique Shell PurePlus Technology allows the product to provide even higher levels of cleansing and protection. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 provides: Designed to meet the demanding requirements of particular high-performance engines, including General Motors and those requiring API SN or ACEA C3.. Motorové oleje 5W-30 SHELL | SHELL HELIX Ultra ECT C3 5W-30 1l Motorový olej - 5W-30, syntetický, longlife API SN, ACEA C3, BMW Longlife-04, MB 229.51, CZ distribuce, objem 1l - 259 Kč/1 l 259,-. Shell Helix Ultra 0W-30 | Shell Global. Shell Helix Ultra 0W-30 provides: Our latest Shell Helix Ultra 0W fully synthetic motor oils offer long-lasting engine performance and superior protection for your car against extreme engine temperatures. It offers the following features and benefits: Superior piston cleanliness 1. Strong resistance to oil degradation 2.. 10 Tipe Oli Mobil Shell Beserta Perbedaannya - Cintamobil. Namun teknologi yang digunakannya hampir serupa dengan Shell Helix Ultra 0W-20. Yaitu antara lain terdapat PurePlus Technology dan juga Active Cleansing. Kedua teknologi ini mampu membersihkan ruang mesin dari kerak sisa hasil pembakaran yang kurang sempurna sekaligus melindungi mesin dari gesekan dan korosif. 3. Shell Helix HX8 5W-30. Shell 5w30 Motor Yağı Fiyatları - Shell Helix Ultra Pro AR-L 5W-30 5 lt Motor Yağı . 779,00 TL. 879,95 TL. Shell Helix Ultra Professional AG 5W-30 5 lt Motor Yağı ..